Enhance progress note navigation by quickly jumping to your important locations.
1. Type an asterisk anywhere within your progress note that you would like to quickly jump back to.
2. In this image the section I currently have selected is HPI, but I want to jump to the Chief Complaint section above.
3. Pressing Ctrl+H will "jump" you to the next section that has an asterisk in it.
4. In this image, I have pressed Ctrl+H and moved from the HPI section to the Chief Complaint section.
Key Features
- Shortcut: Press Ctrl+H to jump to the next asterisk (*) within the progress note text box.
- Tab: After engaging Ctrl + H, the user can then user tab to jump to their next asterisk
- Asterisk Placement: Asterisks can be manually placed within the progress note text sections to mark potential navigation points.
- Section Boundaries: The shortcut bypasses section boundaries, allowing for seamless navigation across the entire note.
- Manual Customization: Users can add or remove asterisks from their note templates as needed.
- Asterisk Replacement: When a user jumps to an asterisk and starts typing, the asterisk will be replaced by the typed text.
- Dot Phrase Compatibility: Dot phrases can be used after jumping to an asterisk.
- Template Section Ineligibility: The shortcut only works within the progress note text sections, not the template (right hand side) section.
- No Further Asterisks: If no more asterisks are available within the progress note, the shortcut will have no effect.
- Shortcut Deactivation: The shortcut will be disabled when the cursor is outside of a progress note.
- Increased Efficiency: Quickly navigate between key points within progress notes.
- Improved Workflow: Streamline note creation and review.
- Enhanced User Experience: Provide time-saving method of progress note navigation.