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Claimocity Desktop Version Overview

This video will demonstrate the general workflow for the Claimocity Desktop.

In order to access the Claimocity application you will need to set up your password:

You can access our web browser version of the application by selecting the attached link: Claimocity Application

Your username should follow the below format:
 Username: firstinitial+lastname in lower case (example: bthompson)
To get your password, click on the "Forgot Password" button that is found on the application's login screen. You should receive a text message to your phone with a verification code during that process. Once this process is complete you will have created your password and have the ability to log into the Claimocity application. 

Note: If you have already created a username and password in a previous version of the Claimocity application, these credentials can still be used in our newest version.