There are two ways to create a new note from your Daily Census page.
If your facility does not support integration.
1. Start on your Daily Census page.
2. Click the blue + at the bottom to navigate to the Add a Patient Visit page.
3. After you enter the patient's name, date of service and facility, click Create Note.
If Claimocity is integrated with your facility.
1. Locate the patient in your facility census on your Daily Census page.
2. Click on the patient to navigate to the Visit Details page.
3. Click on the note icon.
Initiating the note either way, will bring you to the Progress Note page.
From the Progress Note page:
1. Click on a previous note to pre-populate your note with information from a previous encounter.
2. Click Start to create a blank note and select your template by clicking on Pre-formatted Template to bring up the menu.