This article will demonstrate how to update a visit to a different POS.
Navigate to a patient's Visit Details page.
Read this article for information on how to locate the Visit Details page.
If the facility has additional POS options, then the patient's Visit Details page will have the Place of Service drop-down menu.
Click on the Place of Service drop-down menu.
This will give you access to the additional POS options. Click on the option that is appropriate for your visit to make the update to this encounter.
Continue with the visit as usual.
You can now complete the visit by adding any additional codes and then clicking the green check mark.
Place of Service can be updated in a Progress Note too.
When in a Progress Note, click on the Edit button to uncover additional options.
Click on the Place of Service drop-down menu.
This will give you access to the additional POS options. Click on the option that is appropriate for your visit to make the update to this Progress Note.
Continue with the Progress Note as usual.
You can click on the Close button to minimize these options, and then continue with the Progress Note following your usual workflow.