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How to Add a New Patient Visit

You can add a new patient visit from the home screen, daily census and main menu.

1. To navigate to  Add a patient Visit from both the home and daily census, click the blue plus sign at the bottom of the screen.  

2Blue + sign


1Home (5)          Daily Census (4)


2. To navigate to Add a patient Visit you can also use Add Visit in the main menu.  

3Add Visit in menu (2)


3. On  Add a Patient Visit, click on the camera icon to take a picture of a face sheet to add it to the patient's chart.  4Add patient visit (2)

5camera icon







4. Click on Patient Name* to enter the patient name.  This will bring up any patients with the same name and/or letters. 

6Add Patient Name (2)










5.  Enter your new patient name and use the number pad to enter the date of birth and click Set


8Check to confirnm (2)                    7Set Date of Birth (2)


6.  Click the check mark in the upper right hand corner to confirm and save. 

9check mark

7. Confirm that the date of service is correct, or click on the calendar icon to change the date of service.  

date of service with red indicator

8. Click Facility* to bring up your facilities list and choose the correct facility. 

FacilitySelect Facility (2)





9.  Click to add your Procedure and Diagnosis codes from your preselected list, highlighting them green, or click +Add/Change to search for a code.  If searching for a code, click to add it and  then click the check mark in the top right to confirm.  

10Select codes (2)










10.  Save this visit as a draft to finish later or complete the visit and/or note. 

12Select codes (3)