App Release (Web) v2.0.8

Release Date: 8/1/2024

  • Quickly insert progress note snippets using dot phrases (see below for additional details) 
  • The admit reason/CC field is now editable for completed encounters (see below for additional details)  
  • Better visualization of copied PCC clinical data (vitals, allergies, meds, etc.) in progress notes by incorporating line breaks 
  • Moved "Remove all" diagnosis code button to the top of the section for easier access
  • Progress note addendums are now displayed when viewing past progress notes in the visit history window


  • Snippet sorting is maintained across your sessions now


Snippet Dot Phrases

  • Quickly insert progress note snippets using the new snippet dot phrases
    • Type a period followed by your snippet's header name to access available options
    • Find and select the desired snippet to add it to your progress note
    • Press enter to insert your snippet 
    • Please note that snippets without headers cannot be accessed using this method

dot phrase


Admit reason/CC 

  • The admit reason/CC field is now editable for completed encounters
    • Additionally, the encounter is no longer moved into a draft status when edited on a future date of service 
    • The complete admit reason/CC is shown when hovering over the text in the census or printing the expanded census
    • Admit reason/CC is saved when creating new patients