Release Date: 2/29/2024
What is new!- Added the ability to favorite facilities on your census and dashboard pages (see below for additional details)
- You can now use the tab key to go to the next section of your progress note
- When the Admit Reason/CC column is enabled on your census, it will now be included in your printed census
- When a shared service encounter is completed, both provider's initials will now display on the census
- When you hover over the provider's initials, you will see the providers' full names
- The substantive portion provider will be bolded
- Added a "Show all snippets" configuration to progress notes (see below for additional details)
- Updated the validation in progress note if the encounter type does not match the CPT code selected
We resolved it:
- Increased margin size on progress notes
- Location column sorting is now working as expected
- Refreshing the Dashboard page is now working as expected
- Apply button on the customize census window is now visible regardless of how zoomed in the page is
- Removing searched snippet text is now working as expected
Favoriting Facilities
- You can favorite a facility from the census or dashboard page facility selector by clicking the star icon.
- Favorited facilities will show a filled star icon
- Unfavorited facilities will show an unfilled star icon
- Favorited facilities will be the first facilities listed in the facility selected in alphabetical order, then non-favorited facilities will be listed
Show All Snippets
- When Show All Snippets is checked, this will allow you to see all of their snippets
- Your selection will be remembered across sessions
- When Show All Snippets is unchecked, it will show section specific snippets