Web App Release (v2.0.133):
Release Date: 6/21/2022
What is new!
- Diagnosis code sorting by usage, alphanumeric code, or code description (see below for additional details)
- Added visibility on the date of service census calendar for which days have encounters, by facility
- Dashboard and Census page will now default to the last facility the you had selected
- Showing up to 10 of your previously used notes
- Improved workflow for changing your password, when already logged in
We resolved it:
- Special characters populating when reusing progress notes has now been resolved
- Billing Notes can now be saved when you select Save as Draft
- MIPS selected on the Edit Encounter page will now display in the Progress Note as well
Additional Details:
Diagnosis Code Sorting
- You can now sort your diagnosis codes by usage, alphanumerically by code, or by the description
- Choose your preferred method through the picklist selector