App Release (Web) v2.0.147

Release Date: 2/13/2024

What is new! 

  • Added Progress Note validations to ensure that required fields and sections are populated prior to completing the progress note as outlined by your practice (see below for additional details)
  • Snippets are now visible across all progress note templates and sections for the authenticated user
    • Utilize the snippet search bar to quickly find your snippets
  • Progress note content for sections that are unchecked will now save when reusing progress notes
  • Improved the user experience when adding modifiers 
  • Improved alignment of the diagnosis code sort configuration and the Pull from Facility button for integrated patients 
  • Added a status announcement banner to communicate any application related important messages

We resolved it:

  • Uploading attachments through the progress note billing summary tab is now working as expected
  • Facility selection is now working as expected across all workflows
  • Favorited patients will now sort as expected

Additional Details:

Progress Note Validations

  • When a progress note section has a validation, you will see red text under the section. To clear the validation, complete the note section and click save as draft or sign bill.
note validations